What Causes Spider Infestation In Homes And How Can You Prevent It?

Spiders are one of the creepiest critters to have in your home. Nobody wants to be bitten by these venomous eight-legged pests. Fortunately for humans, spider bites are seldom lethal, as most spiders only have enough venom to incapacitate their prey (other insects) before devouring it. 

Regardless of the fact that most spiders aren't to harm humans, they're unwanted house guests. The good news is that spiders don't often go unnoticed. When they infest your home, they'll crawl on your walls and create intricate webs that are easy to spot. These small creatures typically live in dark areas of your house, so a quick spot check in these areas can help to establish if they are part of your household.

But what causes spiders to invade your living space in the first place? How can you prevent them from wreaking havoc in your home? Read on below to find the answers to these questions.

What Brings Spiders Into Homes?

Your home isn't a natural habitat for spiders, but like other pests, they will honour any open invitation to come into your living space. Pests, such as termites and centipedes, are attracted to the moisture in your home. They will come into your home because it is too dry outside. These pests are known as moisture pests. Others, such as cockroaches and rats, come for the food that you leave uncovered or on the floors and kitchen countertops. 

Spiders are no different -- they are also attracted to your home because of the existence of some favourable conditions. Although there are many different reasons why these pests may seek shelter inside your home, the primary and most common reason for infestation is the presence of insects they can feed on.

Yes, smaller insects are what spiders eat, and they are what will attract spiders to your home.

How Can You Keep Spiders Out Of Your Home

The best way to prevent spiders from turning your home into theirs is to get rid of all potential food sources. This means you should keep all insects that spiders feed on at bay. Eliminate all food and moisture sources that may bring pests into your home.

If your windows don't have built-in insect screens, consider having them installed to help keep the flying insects away.

With this guide, you should be able to effectively control spider infestations in your home. If you have an existing infestation in your home, contact a spider pest exterminator for professional help, such as those found on sites like http://stewartspestcontrol.com.au.
