4 Things You Should Know Before Buying A House-And-Land Package

A house-and-land package is a cost-effective and convenient way to purchase your home. Typically, the package allows you to negotiate the house and the land distinctively. Besides, you can customise the house to suit your needs. Below are things you should know before signing a house-and-land package deal. 

1. Always Assess The Company Reputation

You might be wondering why the company's reputation comes first on this list. Well, the truth is that it is probably the most vital consideration. Unlike a conventional property purchase, house-and-land packages take a long time to materialise. As such, you need to be sure that the company you work with upholds its end of the bargain. Ideally, the company should have successfully sold similar properties in the past. Additionally, the development company should have solid finances. Positive reviews from previous clients are an added advantage. 

2. Seek Advice From An Independent Party

Preferably, you should seek advice from an expert, such as a real estate agent, before signing the engagement contract. The agent will appraise the land and the proposed development to determine if you will get value for your money. Besides, they will advise you about zoning regulations and strata bylaws that could affect the design of your upcoming project. 

3. Check The House Customisation Options

The development's regulations will determine how you can customise your home. In some cases, the development company will have pre-approved plans that buyers can use when putting up their homes. You are compelled to use these plans, but you can customise the interior of your property to suit your preferences. The benefit of such an arrangement is that it helps raise the value of land and prevents owners from building low-quality homes that could affect the aesthetics of the project. 

4. Read The Fine Print Of The Contract

House-and-land packages are very attractive. As such, it would not come as a surprise if a buyer forgot to read the terms of the engagement contract. For instance, you should check the company's obligations once you let them build your home. Some of your concerns should include the following:

  • How should you make house construction payments?
  • How will the development company ensure that the works are up to standard?
  • Does the company give any guarantees?
  • Are you allowed to sell the property?

When buying a house-and-land package, assess the company's reputation, seek the advice of an independent party, check the house customisation options and assess the terms of sale. 

To learn more, contact a resource that offers house-and-land packages.
